Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hello All –
Well, it’s Saturday evening, and today was our last day on the site. It was a sad day as we drove away. As I type, the team is getting ready for dinner and reflecting on the day. This morning the team ran a VBS for the local church. There were over 50 kids there that heard the message of Jesus choosing his disciples, and the relationship that is available for them with Jesus Christ. The morning also included some organized games, crafts and music and was capped off with an impromptu game of tackle the man with the ball using a silver exercise ball – amazing.
After eating Lunch we went back to the site for the last time. We spent the afternoon praying for each other as well as covering the site in intentional prayer. After spending 5 full days, including yesterday, putting in hour upon hour of blissful sweat equity; we felt it was time to put in some innecesary prayer time for those who will be blessed by the site restored on it’s grounds.

Tomorrow will be the second and last day of VBS; so please pray for the children and families who take part in the day. Monday will be our “decompress and debrief day” as we kick back and relax while enjoying the local sites via boat tour. On Tuesday we will make the 6 hour trip back to the airport, stay the night in the city then take off first thing in the morning for home.

Again, we appreciate how you have been praying, and for your continued prayers once we get home and into the future for all of those who God will send to the site.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Update June 19

Hey Guys

It's Thurdsay, I'm sitting on a porch at an internet cafe watching it rain for the 4th straight hour. The rest of our team is back at the hotel resting and washing up. Since I last posted, we have been busy preparing the site by painting, moving building supplies, cutting chest high grass, clearing jungle to put two 1500 gallon water tanks in place and praying over the property. Our team continues to amaze me as well as the staff. They told me yesterday that the work that we have gotten accomplished since Sunday would have taken them several weeks to knock out.

Yesterday we declared a break day. After three straight days of non stop labor, the team decided to take in the sites and enjoy the beach. It was a well deserved break, and gave us the energy to jump back into a full day of work today.

If you're observant, you'll notice on this post as well as the other posts I have changed the vinacular as it pertains to the description of our work. I trust you understand why.

I included some pictures for you below. My apologies for the absence of beach pictures, while our team was at the beach, I helped our host buy a quad for the site, which was an adventure in itself, so I only got to drink in about 5 minutes of the beach and didn't have my camera.

Enjoy the pictures and please continue to pray for our team, the host team, the local church, and for God's will to be laid out in amazing ways! Wade

Monday, June 16, 2008

Our adventures ...first few days

Hey guys!

Well, we got here in one piece on Saturday, we’ll all need to visit Kevin Larks when we get home after the 6 hour 100 mile trip down the bumpiest road in the known world.

We woke up the next morning (Sunday) surrounded by paradise. We’re faced with deep lush rainforest and mountains on one side, and the pacific ocean on the other. The team brought us early in the morning to the site in the rain forest. We started the morning with a worship service then spent the rest of the morning and afternoon moving cinderblocks for flooring, mowing the thick grass around the centers “lawn” and hauling fill dirt for the new cinderblock floor. After putting in a good day of work, we grabbed a shower, some dinner and spent the evening with the beautiful people at the church in town.

This morning (Monday), started out with devotional time led by one of the ATC staffers Robin, who has spent the last year in the Congo ministering to rape victims. It was a powerful powerful time. We put in a good 7 hours of hard labor today and tonight we’ll have dinner with the folks from the church.

You should be so proud of your fellow church members. There has been an abundance of sweat and an absence of complaining. As their “leader” I am so excited to minister shoulder to shoulder with such great people.

Please continue to pray for us, the ATC team and the people of the town where we are staying. It looks like the Pastors will not be joining us, but God is Sovereign, and there is PLENTY of work to be done! See some pitures Below!