Friday, August 1, 2008

This is the greatest thing!

Check out this picture of Jeremy - our youngest team member - smack dab in the middle of the baby home on Thursday!

Friday Update

This morning we went to orphanage #15 and played with about 20 preschool kids for 2 hours. It was awesome! Then we spent the afternoon being tourists and we even went to the RUSSIAN BALLET tonight....yes, we saw swan lake! I know you are jealous.

What I haven't said here is how incredibly awesome God is! The team here kept saying it all week. Through all the changes and flexibility it was evident to all of us that God is working. are some pictures of the kids from Lopuhinka










Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thursday Night in St. Petersburg

Howdy Friends: It is 9pm and we are enjoying delicious ice cream at McDonald's next to our hotel in St. Pete. We left Lopuhinka this morning and went to a baby orphanage in Lomosonov. Then we had lunch in St. Petersburg and visited an "orphanage hospital" and then had dinner. What an incredible day we've had - being able to play with so many different children. We're glad to be back to private showers and toilets and bed mattresses. We have so much to share about the people and what God has been doing. Your prayers have been encouraging.

The pictures are from the Texas Party we had on Tuesday night with all the kids and from the Christmas party we had with the older kids on Wednesday night. Continue to pray for Daniel, Eldar, Edward and Jenya - the boys asked great questions and had good conversations about spiritual things. God is drawing them and they are listening and seeking.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Russia Update 7.29

We got this e-mail from Susan this morning:

All is good here. The birthday party was fun and the kids loved the gifts. Some are leaving for camp on Wednesday so we will have more time with the older boys. The Christmas party is Wednesday night. Thursday we will be leaving the orphanage to go to a baby home out in the country near us now. And then we will be in St. Petersburg to visit a hospital for orphans on Thursday afternoon. On Friday we will go to Orphanage #2 which will be about 20 children mostly preschoolers. We gave money for the tv and they also bought soap and toothpaste that was much needed. We were able to give more money to help with gas for camp and more soap and toothpaste There is so much need and many projects so lots to pray about for the future and what we can do. Tonight will be hard as we say goodbye to some kids. Keep praying for us it sustains us through cold weather light nights simple showers and thin bed mattresses and liver for dinner. It is all made up for in hugs smiles and broken English. I will try to send pics on Thursday from hotel.
Susan and Team.